Monday, 18 March 2013


Keeping record of my work done, via blogger.
My goal is to post everyday, weither it be posting creations, or just to rant; I wanna stay persistant with this.
If you have any inquiries, or if you'd like some style advise, feel free to shoot me an inbox:
* morgankolish@gmail is my personal.
Instagram/ @lunastarsolace
Facebook/ @Morgan A. Kolish

Most Recent Work, Styled an Editorial for JCI to put towards my porfolio, It was a huge success and I got to work with some pretty cool cats.
What do you think?

(@Redvelvet head jewlery, @roomates cropped Pink Floyd tee, stripped skinnies @Topshop)
Styling/ @Morgan A. Kolish
Model/ @HaleyDeChamplain
Photography/ @BudiantoNasrun
Graphic Design/ @BrodieWilson
Makeup/ @DarcyBurns


Hi, my name is Morgan.
Morgan A. Kolish

Based: @Vancouver, British Columbia
Student: @JohnCasablancasInstitute
Purpose: Creative, Visual, and Artistic Design
Occupation: Free Lance, Day Dreamer, Galactic Child

..and  may the force be with you \\//

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