Wednesday, 20 March 2013


"I'm only 21, but I feel like I've lived forever.
we are the hero of our own story.
And I'll never let failure be the villian.
"I've got alot of plans, that i'd like to turn into realities, and this is basicly what i think
about 24/7. I won't say "i want to", i'd rather say "i'm going to".
I will acheive what i want, and i think i need a kick start, something new.
I'm keeping my eye's open for new and exciting adventures.
my hopes are high.
I may not blog for a while, i don't really get near a computer much.
but it gives me time to think about what i want to say".

I wrote that two summers ago. I did some searching and found my old blog, that was an entry from it. These past two years have been slow as far as keeping up on my blogging goes, due to the nine to five lifestyle I had been living up until now. That blog was most definitely the moment of realization for myself, as at the moment I wrote it I told myself I was going to make some big changes.
And I did.

I've started this blog, to kinda refresh and keep intouch with myself, and my thoughts.
As well as my work done while in school. 
I am in my third term at JCI, the final fashion show for our class is on June 13th.
Time has really flew by.

It seems like yesterday that I was at the coffee shop, and working the boutique.
Setting a moving date, and anticipating getting out of that small town.
It's been nine months and 20 days, I'm almost complete my journey.
I'm moving onto bigger and better things.
Fashion Is a crazy, intrecate and fastpace world.
I've taken a liking to  the industry,
But I've come to learn more about myself and my passions for other things through this experience.
I feel like this was only a stepping stone, where I've gained so much great knowledge.
I'm ready for something new.
And on that note, I still have some soul searching to do.
I shall continue my conquest down the road of human existance and find meaning in all of this.
In hopes to find my purpose.


I didnt post yesterday, whatever
I need this right now
Class is going on forever today.

Monday, 18 March 2013


Like history? .. Hey, me too.
 I tried.


I've decided to start reading more.
Over the past couple years (i'd say starting in grade eleven) it's been hard to come across a novel that can truely capture my attention.
Recently I went thrift store shopping and came across some really neat books, circa1952 and older.
I thought to myself:  "The last time I indulged in a good book was litterally ages ago" the following thought was the title of that book. I had sort of a bitter sweet nostalgia. Which led me to this next blog:

Every so often I want to try to post a novel recomendation.
To start sort of like a literary playlist.
It's just nice to keep record too I guess.

To continue my story, The title that poped into my head was a book by the name of:
The Perks of being a Wallflower by Stephan Chbosky 
If any book really filled the void, it was this one.
It's hard to explain in short form how this book really made me feel, so all I can do is encourge you to read it.
Now, i'm not gunna attempt to write a book review cause that's not really what my goal of this blog is/ buuut. I will highly suggest anyone who's been through or going through the not so fabulous four years of high school should read this novel.
 I promise good things.
So here's my current obsession:
The Art of Living: A Collection of Stories from Readers Digest

(circa 1958)


I got the oppertunity to re enterpret my version of a commercial advertisment, to create a piece through photography that would match best what the company represents.
I chose OBEY.
This blog I will provide a short bio on this amazing company, as well as credits to the cats I got the pleasure of  working with.

(Tribal 5 Panel @Obey Propoganda , Baseball Tee/Black Skinnies @ModelsOwn, White sneakers @Converse)
Styling/ @Morgan A. Kolish
Model/ @DanyaBarbati
Photograher/ @Budianto Nasrun
Makeup/ @DarcyBurns
"Andre the Giant Has a Posse is a street art and viral marketing campaign based on a design by Shepard Fairey created in 1989 in Providence, Rhode Island. Distributed by the skater community, the stickers featuring an image of André the Giant began showing up in many cities across the U.S.A.[citation needed] At the time Fairey declared the campaign to be "an experiment in phenomenology".[1] Over time the artwork has been reused in a number of ways and has become worldwide. At the same time, Fairey altered the work stylistically and semantically into the OBEY Giant.[citation needed]".
..and may the force be with you \\//


Keeping record of my work done, via blogger.
My goal is to post everyday, weither it be posting creations, or just to rant; I wanna stay persistant with this.
If you have any inquiries, or if you'd like some style advise, feel free to shoot me an inbox:
* morgankolish@gmail is my personal.
Instagram/ @lunastarsolace
Facebook/ @Morgan A. Kolish

Most Recent Work, Styled an Editorial for JCI to put towards my porfolio, It was a huge success and I got to work with some pretty cool cats.
What do you think?

(@Redvelvet head jewlery, @roomates cropped Pink Floyd tee, stripped skinnies @Topshop)
Styling/ @Morgan A. Kolish
Model/ @HaleyDeChamplain
Photography/ @BudiantoNasrun
Graphic Design/ @BrodieWilson
Makeup/ @DarcyBurns


Hi, my name is Morgan.
Morgan A. Kolish

Based: @Vancouver, British Columbia
Student: @JohnCasablancasInstitute
Purpose: Creative, Visual, and Artistic Design
Occupation: Free Lance, Day Dreamer, Galactic Child

..and  may the force be with you \\//